Friday, January 14, 2011

Hey Snowbird Friends!

Now that we have all thawed out from our "snow" days here on the Grand Strand, we are looking at a much nicer AND warmer weekend here on the Myrtle Beach coast! Saturday and Sunday the high's will be into the 50's-so break out a jacket and enjoy some a castle! I mean, who doesn't enjoy a leisurely stroll through a castle? Snowbirds, schedule yourself a few hours to enjoy this activity- it is sure to be an unforgettable experience and don't forget your camera!

The Atalaya Castle at Hutington Beach State Park is not only a National Historic Landmark, the castle was built by Archer Milton Huntington architect and husband of sculptress Anna Hyatt Huntington as a Winter home and Art studio. Archer modeled the couple's home in the style of the "Moorish" architecture of the Spanish Mediterranean coast. Construction began on the home the Winter of 1930 and took many years to complete as there was never a detailed plan for the building of this massive home. Mr Huntington, wanting to provide work opportunities for local residents during the Great Depression insisted that only local labor be utilized in the home's construction.

This amazing castle's living areas consist of 30 rooms-everything from a 40 foot tower to a studio with a 25 foot skylight! After Mr. Huntington's death in 1955 the furnishings were transported to their home in New York. Lucky for you Snowbirds, the castle still stands on the beautiful coastline and is available for you to tour!

Snowbirds, you can take the "Audio Tour" and wear a set of headphones that will navigate you around the castle, or just take the 45 minute walking tour. The admission is $4.00 and the hours you can tour the home are from 9-5 Monday through Sunday. This is sure to be a very interesting tour, allowing you to just browse at your own pace while viewing the sculptures still in the home and admiring the sorrounding oceanfront. For more information on this castle check out

If you get the chance to travel to Murrell's Inlet, be sure to view this amazing castle! Take some pictures while you are there for us, we would love to see and hear what you think about this treasured landmark!

Have a wonderful weekend Myrtle Beach Snowbirds!
Sarah Hodgson


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