Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Myrtle Beach Snowbirds Love the Dickens Christmas Show!

Snowbird friends,

The 31st Annual Dickens Show and Festival is November 8th-11th at the Myrtle Beach Convention Center.  Go back in time to 19th Century London with Victorian street urchins, strolling minstrels, and a display of 50 beautiful Christmas Trees.  I love to get decorating ideas from the tree display!
The show is a great place to find unique gifts for others and for yourself!  Handmade jewelry, quilts, pet accessories, and much, much more!
Get your photo taken with Santa in his Victorian Castle and visit the "Santa through the Ages" exhibit.
Many people don't know that the Dickens Show donates many of the proceeds to local charities.  "The Festival of Trees" featuring 50 beautifully decorated trees proceeds will be given to the local Domestic Abuse Victims charity.  "The Festival of Holiday Tables" centerpieces are sold to support Waccamaw Animal Rescue Mission and "The Festival of Wreaths" proceeds will benefit the local Kiwanis Children's charities.  And all proceeds from the "The Festival of the Worlds" holiday foods will go directly to local charities as well.

Thank you for choosing Southern Coast Vacations as your Myrtle Beach Winter Rental Headquarters!


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